June 18th just happened to be the 20th birthday of Aubren, one of my wonderful co-workers. Since this important day fell on one of the busiest days of our summer so far, I wanted to do something special to help make this birthday a memorable one. Along with the help of the rest of the Reardon Summer Staff, I put together a mini-surprise-party at morning staff meeting. Fish themed of course. Because, honestly, who doesn't like goldfish? I made goldfish bowl cupcakes from the wonderful cookbook "Hello, Cupcake!"-best thing ever! Check it out on Amazon. Since I had to make them in the Myers public kitchen while the Christ in Youth conference was going on, I feared for their safety, but fortunately they made it through alright. Everyone seemed to enjoy their cupcakes plus I think Aubren was surprised. In a happy way.
This week 99 high school boys and their youth leaders stayed in Myers Hall for a big youth convention called Christ in Youth (CIY). Although there were several highlights to my week (including the self-esteem boosting boys in my dorm,) (the wonderfully inappropriately misspelled concessions sign,) (and George Romero's kitten,) I have to say that my favorite part may have been collecting the things that people left behind when I did room checks. I found a penny . . .Three pens . . . A Towel . . .A yellow plastic raincoat! . . . Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. . .Another penny . . . A green conference wristband . . . The 3 of Diamonds . . . Pretzels and Cookies (that I can actually eat!) . . . Travel size toothpaste, and . . . A pair of boxers! (Looks like I have some laundry to do! :D ) Looking forward to the next conference checkout! This job has great fringe benefits.